IWAS World Junior Championships in Athletics 2006
14.07.-16.07.06 in Dublin - Stadion
Result list
Männliche Jugend A
Weibliche Jugend A
Männliche Jugend B
Weibliche Jugend B
Schüler A
Schülerinnen A
U23 200m - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
final Wind -0.2
1. 46 Blaszczak, Tomasz 86 Poland 27,24
2. 46 Jansons, Dainis 85 Latvia 27,40
3. 46 Jayaram, Channaceshava 85 India 27,77
42 Sankaranarayan, Kathres 86 India DNF
44 Singh, Gulbir 85 India DNF
U23 200m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. time race Wind -1.7
1. 54 Alldis, Brian 86 Great Britain 26,74
2. 53 Mitic, Bojan 85 Switzerland 28,87
3. 54 Dupont, Alexandre 85 Canada 29,24
4. 54 Taylor, Chris 86 United States 31,51
5. 54 Kelly, Sean 84 Ireland 37,49
U23 200m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
2. time race Wind -1.8
1. 54 Hug, Marcel 86 Switzerland 26,25
2. 54 Cleem, Sebastian 84 Germany 26,66
3. 54 Balde, Alhassane 85 Germany 27,09
4. 54 Glynn, John 86 Ireland 29,34
5. 54 Chesire, Dominic 86 Great Britain 33,19
U23 200m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
collated time races
1. 54 Hug, Marcel 86 Switzerland 26,25
2. 54 Cleem, Sebastian 84 Germany 26,66
3. 54 Alldis, Brian 86 Great Britain 26,74
4. 54 Balde, Alhassane 85 Germany 27,09
5. 53 Mitic, Bojan 85 Switzerland 28,87
6. 54 Dupont, Alexandre 85 Canada 29,24
7. 54 Glynn, John 86 Ireland 29,34
8. 54 Taylor, Chris 86 United States 31,51
9. 54 Chesire, Dominic 86 Great Britain 33,19
10. 54 Kelly, Sean 84 Ireland 37,49
U23 1.500m - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. 46 Awizen, Marcin 85 Poland 4:20,77
2. 46 Golaski, Wojciech 86 Poland 4:21,18
3. 46 Römer, Josef 89 Austria 5:00,78
U23 1500m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. and U23 World Champ 2006
54 Hug, Marcel 86 Switzerland 3:11,17
2. 54 Balde, Alhassane 85 Germany 3:12,46
3. 54 Alldis, Brian 86 Great Britain 3:14,18
4. 54 Anderson, Aron 88 Sweden 3:30,12
5. 54 Griffith, David 85 Ireland 3:31,83
6. 53 Mitic, Bojan 85 Switzerland 3:34,26
7. 54 Dupont, Alexandre 85 Canada 3:34,62
8. 54 Taylor, Chris 86 United States 3:41,76
9. 54 Schneeberg, Malte 87 Germany 3:46,55
U23 long jump - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U23 World Champ 2006
46 Blaszczak, Tomasz 86 Poland 5,49
5,31 4,94 5,31 5,40 5,36 5,49 774
+0.5 +0.6 -1.4 +0.6 -1.9 +0.6
2. 46 Jansons, Dainis 85 Latvia 5,46
5,46 5,25 5,46 4,94 5,35 5,43 770
-0.5 0.0 -1.4 -1.5 +0.2 +1.3
3. 46 Jayaram, Channaceshava 85 India 5,30
5,16 5,10 5,30 x 4,80 5,07 747
+0.5 -2.0 -1.4 -1.7 +0.4
4. 44 Kaluziak, Lukasz 86 Poland 4,75
4,75 4,75 4,69 - - - 711
-0.5 +0.9 -1.6
5. 46 Marisamy, Santhosh 84 India 3,99
x 3,89 3,61 3,99 3,39 3,69 562
-0.7 -1.6 +0.4 +0.3 +1.4
6. 42 Sankaranarayan, Kathres 86 India 3,18
3,00 2,78 3,16 x 3,18 3,10 544
-0.5 +1.4 +0.9 0.0 +1.4
U23 shot put wheelchair - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U23 World Champ 2006
57 Ehsani Shakib, Javid 84 Islamic Republic of Iran 9,43
8,75 9,43 9,14 9,42 9,09 8,98 695
2. 54 Barton, Maioro 86 New Zealand 6,29
5,99 6,01 6,08 6,06 6,29 6,02 672
3. 54 Lewis, David Adam 85 Great Britain 6,08
5,87 5,44 5,83 5,87 5,56 6,08 650
4. 58 Mousavi, Seyed Abdolla 86 Islamic Republic of Iran 9,10
8,47 8,92 8,84 x 9,10 8,80 632
5. 57 Saki, Abdolkazem 86 Islamic Republic of Iran 8,05
6,77 7,50 8,05 7,84 7,63 6,81 593
6. 56 Arun Kumar, 85 India 5,21
4,78 x 4,95 4,81 5,21 5,18 450
U23 discus - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U23 World Champ 2006
40 Mester, Mathias 86 Germany 26,81
26,81 24,58 25,83 24,02 x 25,23 905
2. 44 Sepahvand, Farzad 86 Islamic Republic of Iran 40,73
x 39,42 40,73 36,60 38,00 38,63 768
3. 42 Nagar, Tinku 88 India 23,10
- - - 18,72 19,75 23,10 495
4. 42 Sharma, Yashpal 87 India 22,53
- - - 21,48 22,53 21,92 482
5. 42 Krzesniak, Grzegorz 88 Poland 20,70
20,70 x 15,69 x x 17,55 443
6. 44 Singh, Gulbir 85 India 22,81
21,65 21,76 21,69 x 22,05 22,81 430
U23 discus wheelchair - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U23 World Champ 2006
57 Ehsani Shakib, Javid 84 Islamic Republic of Iran 37,02
34,97 36,65 x 36,47 37,02 x 788
2. 58 Mousavi, Seyed Abdolla 86 Islamic Republic of Iran 38,43
31,96 x 37,84 38,43 37,90 33,12 716
3. 57 Saki, Abdolkazem 86 Islamic Republic of Iran 32,93
25,62 25,33 24,31 25,79 30,79 32,93 701
4. 54 Barton, Maioro 86 New Zealand 15,72
15,72 15,02 15,26 x 15,35 14,58 531
5. 56 Arun Kumar, 85 India 14,96
14,71 x x 14,29 14,96 14,10 401
6. 54 Lewis, David Adam 85 Great Britain 11,09
10,71 10,94 11,09 10,05 8,63 x 374
U23 javelin - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U23 World Champ 2006
40 Mester, Mathias 86 Germany 35,49
35,49 34,09 33,60 33,86 33,70 30,78 1090
2. 44 Kaluziak, Lukasz 86 Poland 44,74
44,74 x 43,77 43,40 43,12 x 819
3. 46 Mirshekari, Abdolrasoul 85 Islamic Republic of Iran 39,35
39,35 34,80 38,27 34,91 38,09 x 656
4. 46 Marisamy, Santhosh 84 India 35,03
x x 32,89 35,03 32,05 33,57 584
5. 46 Jayaram, Channaceshava 85 India 18,43
x - 18,43 - - - 307
U23 200m - female start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
final Wind +0.8
1. 46 Fiodorow, Alicja 85 Poland 26,22
2. 46 Moguchaya, Alexandra 90 Russia 27,04
3. 46 Kutasonova, Evgenyia 91 Russia 27,50
4. 44 Czarnecka, Joanna 85 Poland 32,45
5. 42 Lopez, Oriane 89 France 45,77
U23 200m wheelchair - female start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
final Wind -0.2
1. 54 Frie, Keira 87 Canada 32,31
2. 54 Hawtin, Melanie 88 Canada 33,33
3. 53 Duff, Ilana 86 Canada 33,81
4. 54 Sjöstedt, Hannah 87 Sweden 36,81
Männliche Jugend A
U20 200m - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. time race Wind -1.3
1. 46 Singh, Jagsheer 87 India 24,74
2. 46 Horaddi, Basavaraja 88 India 25,20
3. 46 Kumar, Bharath 89 India 26,54
4. 45 Orazmyradov, Annamuhamm 88 Turkmenistan 27,88
5. 46 Artykmuhamedov, Esen 87 Turkmenistan 29,98
42 Sharma, Yashpal 87 India DNF
U20 200m - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
2. time race Wind -0.1
1. 46 Kashkan, Dmitry 88 Russia 23,36
2. 45 Rastrepaev, Dmitry 87 Russia 23,53
3. 46 Grüner, Lukas 87 Germany 24,80
4. 46 Yalchik, Alexandr 88 Russia 25,05
5. 46 Hoffmann, Christopher 88 Germany 25,59
6. 45 Röthlisberger, Joachim 89 Switzerland 26,83
7. 46 Kalvitis, Kristaps 88 Latvia 27,09
U20 200m - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
collated time races
1. 46 Kashkan, Dmitry 88 Russia 23,36
2. 45 Rastrepaev, Dmitry 87 Russia 23,53
3. 46 Singh, Jagsheer 87 India 24,74
4. 46 Grüner, Lukas 87 Germany 24,80
5. 46 Yalchik, Alexandr 88 Russia 25,05
6. 46 Horaddi, Basavaraja 88 India 25,20
7. 46 Hoffmann, Christopher 88 Germany 25,59
8. 46 Kumar, Bharath 89 India 26,54
9. 45 Röthlisberger, Joachim 89 Switzerland 26,83
10. 46 Kalvitis, Kristaps 88 Latvia 27,09
11. 45 Orazmyradov, Annamuhamm 88 Turkmenistan 27,88
12. 46 Artykmuhamedov, Esen 87 Turkmenistan 29,98
42 Sharma, Yashpal 87 India DNF
U20 200m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
final Wind -0.2
1. 54 Anderson, Aron 88 Sweden 29,22
2. 54 Schneeberg, Malte 87 Germany 30,04
3. 54 Stone, Douglas 88 Great Britain 30,83
4. 54 Gilkes, Christopher 87 Barbados 39,69
5. 54 O'Cearra, Michael 88 Ireland 40,73
U20 shot put - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U20 World Champ 2006
46 Hoffmann, Christopher 88 Germany 9,68
8,57 - 8,95 9,16 9,09 9,68 634
2. 42 Sharma, Yashpal 87 India 7,89
7,29 7,76 7,57 7,61 x 7,89 583
3. 42 Nagar, Tinku 88 India 7,76
6,97 7,20 7,36 7,26 7,76 7,06 573
42 Krzesniak, Grzegorz 88 Poland n.p.
U20 shot put wheelchair - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U20 World Champ 2006
57 Stephens, Nathan 88 Great Britain 11,12
10,51 10,99 10,92 11,05 11,12 10,96 820
2. 56 Boyle, Jamie 88 Ireland 7,99
7,86 7,61 7,75 7,94 7,99 7,77 690
3. 57 Riesenbeck, Cian 88 Ireland 6,15
5,82 5,78 6,09 5,84 6,15 5,78 453
4. 58 Najafi, Babak 88 Islamic Republic of Iran 6,06
5,73 6,06 5,91 5,62 5,93 6,03 421
Weibliche Jugend A
U20 1500m wheelchair - female start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. and U20 World Champ 2006
54 Frie, Keira 87 Canada 4:04,05
2. 53 Starzec, Teresa 88 Poland 4:31,78
3. 54 Sjöstedt, Hannah 87 Sweden 4:51,39
Männliche Jugend B
U18 200m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. time race Wind +2.2
1. 54 Amacher, Maurice 90 Switzerland 30,73
2. 54 Willms, Sven-Uwe 90 Germany 32,81
3. 54 Williman, Lukas 93 Switzerland 36,35
4. 54 Armstrong, Keith 89 Ireland 37,70
5. 54 Riordan, Daniel 90 Ireland 38,65
6. 53 Hunt, Robert 90 United States 40,08
7. 54 Seestädt, Timm 94 Germany 40,09
U18 200m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
2. time race Wind -1.4
1. 54 Bird, Jordan 89 United States 26,60
2. 54 O'Dwyer, Daniel 90 New Zealand 27,73
3. 54 Ottosson, Andreas 89 Sweden 28,45
4. 54 Schuh, Marc 89 Germany 28,47
5. 54 Chalmers, Ryan 89 United States 29,08
6. 54 Courtet, Parvesh 89 Switzerland 29,29
7. 54 Lack, Matthew 91 New Zealand 29,43
8. 53 Bushell, Mickey 90 Great Britain 29,72
U18 200m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
collated time races
1. 54 Bird, Jordan 89 United States 26,60
2. 54 O'Dwyer, Daniel 90 New Zealand 27,73
3. 54 Ottosson, Andreas 89 Sweden 28,45
4. 54 Schuh, Marc 89 Germany 28,47
5. 54 Chalmers, Ryan 89 United States 29,08
6. 54 Courtet, Parvesh 89 Switzerland 29,29
7. 54 Lack, Matthew 91 New Zealand 29,43
8. 53 Bushell, Mickey 90 Great Britain 29,72
9. 54 Amacher, Maurice 90 Switzerland 30,73
10. 54 Willms, Sven-Uwe 90 Germany 32,81
11. 54 Williman, Lukas 93 Switzerland 36,35
12. 54 Armstrong, Keith 89 Ireland 37,70
13. 54 Riordan, Daniel 90 Ireland 38,65
14. 53 Hunt, Robert 90 United States 40,08
15. 54 Seestädt, Timm 94 Germany 40,09
U18 1500m wheelchair - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. and U18 World Champ 2006
54 Bird, Jordan 89 United States 3:15,24
2. 54 O'Dwyer, Daniel 90 New Zealand 3:29,18
3. 54 Lack, Matthew 91 New Zealand 3:30,17
4. 54 Amacher, Maurice 90 Switzerland 3:31,90
5. 54 Courtet, Parvesh 89 Switzerland 3:31,92
6. 54 Chalmers, Ryan 89 United States 3:59,31
7. 54 Willms, Sven-Uwe 90 Germany 4:05,14
8. 54 Seestädt, Timm 94 Germany 5:09,30
9. 53 Hunt, Robert 90 United States 5:34,78
U18 discus wheelchair - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U18 World Champ 2006
56 Armstrong, Keith 89 Ireland 22,32
18,62 22,32 21,39 21,58 20,75 20,90 598
2. 56 Kiely, Keith 90 Ireland 11,56
x 11,31 10,92 11,32 11,41 11,56 309
3. 57 Riordan, Daniel 90 Ireland 11,73
10,18 10,63 10,77 10,63 11,10 11,73 249
4. 53 Byrne, Colin 89 Ireland 4,42
4,23 4,14 4,13 4,20 4,25 4,42 183
Weibliche Jugend B
U18 200m wheelchair - female start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
final Wind -0.2
1. 54 Keller, Patricia 89 Switzerland 33,89
2. 54 Frederick, Margaret 90 United States 39,29
3. 53 Harrower, Cory 89 Canada 40,12
4. 53 Horton, Kyrstle 89 United States 47,79
5. 52 Clyburn, Jordan 89 United States 56,97
U18 1500m wheelchair - female start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. and U18 World Champ 2006
54 Keller, Patricia 89 Switzerland 4:15,39
2. 54 Frederick, Margaret 90 United States 5:10,37
3. 53 Horton, Kyrstle 89 United States 5:27,80
4. 52 Clyburn, Jordan 89 United States 6:51,42
U18 shot put wheelchair - female start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U18 World Champ 2006
56 Regan, Lorraine 90 Ireland 6,59
6,13 6,59 6,29 6,56 5,95 6,13 569
2. 57 Barry, Orla Marie 89 Ireland 6,79
6,73 6,27 6,40 6,79 6,15 6,37 500
3. 58 Hamill, Jessica 90 New Zealand 6,69
6,53 6,50 6,55 6,47 6,69 6,27 464
4. 57 Breen, Cora 92 Ireland 4,32
x 4,05 4,32 3,78 3,89 4,10 318
5. 55 Smyth, Sarah 89 Ireland 2,76
2,56 2,27 2,76 2,69 2,35 2,41 247
Schüler A
U16 200m - male start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
final Wind +1.7
1. 46 Laaß, Sven 91 Germany 26,17
2. 44 Alaize, Jean-Baptiste 91 France 27,83
3. 46 Warrlich, Florian 92 Germany 30,54
4. 43 Prokopev, Ivan 91 Russia 31,40
U16 shot put wheelchair - male start-cl.: by point 14.07.2006
1. and U16 World Champ 2006
56 Berry, David 91 Ireland 7,57
7,12 7,57 5,83 6,88 7,28 7,51 654
2. 56 Jordan, Daniel 94 Ireland 3,80
3,59 3,80 3,40 3,51 3,79 x 328
3. 55 Nolan, Conor 92 Ireland 3,41
3,01 3,06 3,20 2,60 2,92 3,41 305
Schülerinnen A
U16 200m wheelchair - female start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
final Wind -1.3
1. 54 Lustenberger, Jasmin 92 Switzerland 33,52
2. 54 von Büren, Andrea 91 Switzerland 33,63
3. 53 Scaroni, Susannah 91 United States 36,46
4. 53 Debrunner, Catherine 95 Switzerland 37,88
5. 54 Breen, Cora 92 Ireland 54,95
U16 1500m wheelchair - female start-cl.: combined 14.07.2006
1. and U16 World Champ 2006
54 von Büren, Andrea 91 Switzerland 4:14,40
2. 53 Scaroni, Susannah 91 United States 4:32,10
3. 53 Debrunner, Catherine 95 Switzerland 4:41,16
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