updated: 28.02.15 14:41
Althiqah club for handicapped
Sharjah 5th International Open Athletics Meeting
27.02.2015/28.02.2015 in Sharjah - Althiqah club
Start list: 200 m women - time-races T11-13/20

200 m women - time-races28.02.2015 / 16.10
heat 1 T11-13/20
Ord.BIBNameYOBNATCountry/ClubPersonal best
2 131Benhama, Sanae1982MARMorocco24.95T/F13
3 19Ngono Noah, Irene1988CMRCameroonT/F12
5 18Guemo Tala, Hermine1989CMRCameroonT/F11

200 m women - time-races28.02.2015 / 16.10
heat 2 T11-13/20
Ord.BIBNameYOBNATCountry/ClubPersonal best
3 236Alshamsi, Afraa1993UAEAlAin Club for the DisabledT/F20
4 198Alhosani, Hamda1988UAEAbu Dhabi Club f Special Needs33.62T/F20
5 273Albalooshi, Reem Hussain1994UAEDubai Club for the DisabledT/F20
6 292Abdellatif, Eman1999UAEAlthiqah Club for HandicappedT/F20

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