updated: 03.07.18 19:35
IWAS Youth World Games 2018
from 03.07.-05.07.2018 in Athlone (IRL) - Athlone Institue of Technology
Result list
3.07.2018 / 18:35

U20 female
800 m wheelchair U17 / 20 f 3.07.2018
final T34/54
1. 54 Menje, Merle Marie 2004 Germany 2:13,70 min. 778 P.
2. 34 Houston, Eva Nicole 2001 United States of America 2:41,08 min. 572 P.
3. 54 Morales, Jasmine 2000 United States of America 2:58,33 min. 75 P.

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Lizenz für: Team Thomas
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