updated: 05.02.24 11:25
Althiqah Club for Disabled
Sharjah 12th International Open Athletics Meeting
04.02.2024-06.02.2024 in Sharjah - Althiqah Club
Start list: shot put men - final F35/36

shot put men - final05.02.2024 / 17.30
final F35/36
Ord.BIBNameYOBNATCountry/ClubPersonal best

shot put men - final05.02.2024 / 17.30
group 0 F35/36
Ord.BIBNameYOBNATCountry/ClubPersonal best
1 150Valentir, Andrei1987MDARepublic of Moldova7.89
2 123Faraj, Naser2005KUWKuwait10.16
3 149Spinu, Gheorghe2002MDARepublic of Moldova8.10
4 117Alhajeri, Ali2006KUWKuwait7.49

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