updated: 28.02.15 14:41
Althiqah club for handicapped
Sharjah 5th International Open Athletics Meeting
27.02.2015/28.02.2015 in Sharjah - Althiqah club
Start list: shot put wheelch men - final F33

shot put wheelch men - final28.02.2015 / 17.00
final F33
Ord.BIBNameYOBNATCountry/ClubPersonal best
1 242Alhousani, Ahmed1987UAEAlthiqah Club for Handicapped7.12T/F33
2 29Scheil, Daniel1973GERGermany10.25T/F33
3 206Almazim, Hamed1997UAEAjman ClubT/F33
4 116Saleh, Naser M.S.1984KUWKuwaitT/F33
5 226Alshekaili, Abdulaziz1986UAEAlAin Club for the Disabled8.33T/F33
6 147Alnakhli, Hani1986KSASaudi Arabia8.55T/F33
7 283Malaleih, Hassan Ali Obai1984UAEKhorfakkan ClubT/F33
8 258Ali, Juma Salem1978UAEDubai Club for the DisabledT/F33
9 260Bachir, Youssouf Hesin1974UAEDubai Club for the DisabledT/F33

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