Disabled athletics next event World Para Athletics Grand Prix >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< results Day 1 results Day 2 results Day 3 results Day 4 medal standing records set Events 2025 >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< results day 1 results day 2 results day 3 records set (final) >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< Ausschreibung Entry information Meldeliste Entry form Events 2024 >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< full results day 1 full results day 2 records set medal standing >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< results day 1 results day 2 results day 3 records set medal standing >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< results day 1 results day 2 records set medal standing World Para Athletics Grand Prix >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< results Day 1 results Day 2 results Day 3 records set medal standing >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< full results Special Olympics Events 2023 >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<< >>>>> results day 1 <<<<< >>>>> results day 2 <<<<< >>>>> results day 3 <<<<< >>>>> records set <<<<< >>>>> medal standing <<<<< World Para Athletics Grand Prix >>>>> Info system <<<<< >>>>> results day 1 <<<<< >>>>> results day 2 <<<<< >>>>> results day 3 <<<<< >>>>> results day 4 <<<<< >>>>> records set <<<<< >>>>> medal standing <<<<< >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< Zeitplan >>>>> Infosystem <<<<< >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<< >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<< >>>>> Infosystem Gehörlosensportverband <<<<< results results shuttles still not received Events 2022 International German Nationals Indoor/ Erfurt - February 5 >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<< >>>>> link to info-system <<<<< >>>>> results day 1 <<<<< >>>>> results day 2 <<<<< >>>>> results day 3 <<<<< >>>>> records broken <<<<< >>>>> medals <<<<< World Para Athletics Grand Prix >>>>> link to info-system <<<<< >>>>> full results day 1 <<<<< - >>>>> full results day 2 <<<<< >>>>> full results day 3 <<<<< - >>>>> full results day 4 <<<<< >>>>> final records <<<<< - >>>>> final medal table <<<<< >>>>> Info-System <<<<< International German Nationals / Regensburg - June 18 & 19 >>>>> Info-System <<<<< >>>>> Info-System <<<<< 01. Juli Ergebnisliste --> 02. Juli >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<< 02. Juli >>>>> Info-System <<<<< Ergebnisse Bambini / U12 / U14 >>>>> results <<<<< >>>>> Ergebnisse <<<<< >>>>> info system <<<<< >>>>> results day 1 <<<<< >>>>> results day 2 <<<<< >>>>> results day 3 <<<<< >>>>> records after day 3 <<<<< >>>>> medal overview <<<<< |
LA Rommelshausen / Rems-Murr / ...Ergebnisse etc |
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